Sunday, August 31, 2008

Beyond flowers n fruits..

Sun-kissed fresh green leaves,

flowers in bloom,

tiny buds,as if just about to burst into fresh blossoms,

green grass bathed in sparkling morning dew,

the air filled with that musty dampness,

squirrels playfully hiding in and out well-trimmed bushes,

and majestic trees that spread out their massive branches-an abode to those beautiful chirpy creatures....

thats probably the picture that most of us create upon hearing the word garden..few of us,if not none,think about the miracles taking form there...

IN the coccoons that metamorphose to butterflies..

IN the flower that just got pollinated by a busy bee..

"LIFE just took new form"

IN the anthill you just stepped over..

IN the squirrel you just shooed away..

"A WAVE of flurry just took over minute fauna"

IN the crunching of dried leaves beneath your step..

IN the chirping of hungry chicks perched atop the highest branches..

"NATURE just harmonised its favourite melodies"

AND as the sun sets low..

That swarm of bees entering their intricately built hives..

And the birds,their articulately woven nests..

A sight!

after all home is where the heart is..!


  1. "neat"

    tried to pick few favourite lines but ven read n reread it found every single line worth appreciatin....thts simply beautiful...

  2. @ nikki..
    thnx :)...
    i jus love staring endlessly at any form of life...
    one thing i really want 2 watch taking place is an egg hatching... not in videos...!!
